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- Do you remember this sentence from High School?
- It was written by an anymous typist who merely
- wanted to devise a clever sentence for the beginning
- typing student. But the words were significant and
- they are in excellent call to every patriotic
- American citizen who loves their country and who
- also believes that THIS IS THE TIME FOR A BIG CHANGE
- in the way we govern ourselves.
- EVEN PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON has recently stated that
- he wants us to "RE-INVENT OUR GOVERNMENT." These
- are historic words and they are the most important
- words ever uttered by an American President since
- George Washington uttered similar words over 200
- years ago. Since that time the world has changed
- enormously. Presidents, Senators, Congressmen were
- used to travel to Washington on horseback or in
- horse-drawn wagons. A small portion of their journey
- might have been made in a boat, drawn by "asses" or
- mules or even in a wagon drawn by mules or "asses".
- Today, things have reversed themselves and it is the
- 'asses' who travel to Washington propelled into office
- by people donating money to their 'assinine' campaigns.
- But no matter what you call them, the people we send to
- Washington are merely messengers bringing the supposed
- 'Will of the People' to a central meeting place where
- they can turn this will of their constituents into law.
- Unfortunately, there is much to go wrong before this
- theoretically democratic government can transform the
- will of the ordinary voting public into public law.
- Lobbyists are the number one enemy of good law. Case
- in point, the gun lobbyists, the oil lobbyists, the
- Drug lobbyists. It is obvious to most thinking people
- that we should have tougher regulations regarding the
- purchase of a hand-gun and yet, the gun lobbyists
- stifle all laws regulating these purchases and as
- a result thousands of innocent people die every day
- in our cities. It is obvious to most thinking and
- voting people that there should be millions of electric
- powered vehicles on the road today, more mass transit,
- several viable alternatives to the gasoline powered
- vehicles we are all forced to drive, and yet the oil
- lobbyists prevent any legislation that might cost the
- oil industry a few bucks.
- It is obvious to most thinking people that we should
- have cleaner air, quieter streets, safer streets,
- drug free cities.
- But these lobbyist, or 'LEGALIZED BRIBERY EXPERTS'
- as I like to call them, prevent any real good laws
- from being passed. As a consequence, the 'Will of
- the People' is no longer the driving force in American
- Government.
- President Clinton knows this and he also knows about
- the terrible waste, fraud and abuse in our government.
- But even the President of the United States is
- powerless to make any real changes unless the people
- of the United States are behind him in very real and
- effective ways of being counted. We have written
- this publication to give you, the American People,
- the most effective way to show your support for Real
- Change in American Government. We have put together
- a Poltical Action Kit that everyone can use to make
- it crystal clear to all Washington politicians that
- a Real Change is underway and that they'd better
- stand clear and stay out of the way of the changes
- we want to make now and for all future generations
- of Americans still to come.
- We don't want just cosmetic changes, however,
- because we've had cosmetic changes for decades and
- they've done no good. We don't even want a change
- in the people who represent us because one set of
- burglars is indistinguishable from any other set
- of burglars. Either one will steal from you.
- The end result of either party in office is always
- the same, more decay in the cities, more injustice,
- less freedom, a worsening economy. We can't put up
- with these worsening American conditions any longer
- or we will soon be thrust into the same terrible
- situation as any other third world nation. The
- burglars in Washington have already turned this
- greatest of nations into the world's largest debtor
- nation. India has a fraction of the debt we now
- have.
- In fact, the combined debt of all the nations of
- the world are about one percent the debt burden
- of the United States! This is intolerable and
- it is insupportable by future generations of
- Americans because already the National debt
- requires that every man, woman and child living
- today would have to pay the government over $50,000
- to the treasury in order to pay it off. AND IT
- GETS WORSE each second.
- Despite recent Congressional approval of another
- debt-reduction plan, the National Budget Deficit
- still continues to grow at an uncontrollable rate.
- The only thing the burglars did in Washington,
- after years of debate and hard work, was to REDUCE
- THE RATE AT WHICH IT WILL GROW. They cut nothing!
- They did nothing to reduce the deficit. They met
- yet another crisis head-on and once again shirked
- their responsibility. They knew, then and they
- know now that the only answer is a 'Cap' on
- spending. They know that's the only way to reduce
- the deficit and yet they refuse to do it. They
- know that the only way to bring down a deficit in
- a household budget is to reduce spending to a
- level under the income. They know that and yet
- they refused to do exactly that. Yet, they came
- out with so many speeches about what a great job
- they did. Yet, they did nothing except to curb
- their projected increases in spending a tiny bit!
- Not enough to lower the burden of your children
- and mine and their children who will have to work
- until November OR December of every year just to
- pay off the tremendous Deficit left by the Reagan,
- Bush, and now the Clinton Administration.
- Surely, it is clear to all thinking and voting
- American people that something far more drastic
- has to be done to get this country back in control
- of common sense! But wasting your vote on one
- burglar or another will always result in the same
- thing, burglary. And that is exactly what they
- are doing to each one of us. They are
- systematically and with malice aforethought,
- robbing the Treasury of every dime they can get
- their hands on.
- The recent 'Check cashing scheme'
- in Washington is proof of their real passion
- & greed for money. They don't have time to pay
- attention to the real wishes of the citizenry
- because they spend so much of it at social
- events and fund-raisers and at parties, trying
- to raise enough money for their next campaign.
- politician will admit that, and what better way
- to help them make up their minds, than by telling
- them your own mind? There is no better way.
- They are supposed to represent the will of the
- majority of people. Surely the majority of American
- tax-payers would like their taxes to be reduced or
- eliminated entirely. If only they could be assured
- that their government would have adequate funds to
- continue to do something to benefit society.
- Please print it and sign it and send it in today!
- It will take the active participation of millions
- of citizens to re-invent the government in any
- meaningful way. In truth, Bill Clinton is pleading
- with us all to join him in making for some real
- changes and the only real changes that will do us
- any good is a change that will give the Average
- American Taxpayer more power, more say, over where
- his/her money is going. This is the ONLY REAL
- By taking away their credit card, us, we force them
- to live within their means. Government spending will
- have to be cut significantly. The manner in which
- they make these cuts can be altered and controlled
- by more of us signing more of these petitions.
- not less! Please remember that, no matter what
- arguments they use to dissuade us. We can never
- be hurt through more participation, only by less
- participation are we hurt as a nation.
- <<<<<<<<<<<< GO TO CHAPTER 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>